Healthy families contribute to healthy communities.

Empowering Families with Speech-Language and Hearing Disabilities

With this in mind, the Malaysian Resource Centre for Speech-Language and Hearing (MARCHES) provides community support to families with speech-language/hearing disabilities. These families receive financial assistance for the purchase of hearing aids or speech-language therapy. The early intervention provided to these families is beneficial in reducing the negative impact of speech-language disabilities, such as communication breakdown, academic underachievement, or employment deprivation.

Enhancing Communication through Fundraising and Support

Every year, MARCHES opens a fund for applications twice a year, and many families have benefited and seen progress in their ability to communicate with others. MARCHES strives to secure the fund each year by organizing fundraising events such as an art exhibition by people with autism, a charity concert, a funfair, and the publication of books.

Make a Difference in Our Community

I hope you will embrace our mission and join us in our endeavours. You can make a significant difference in the lives of individuals and in the stability of family life in our community as a whole.


For any question on our work, for collaboration idea, any inquiry about speech-language-hearing therapy
